Saturday, November 23, 2019

5 Values I Learned in College

5 Values I Learned in College
Picture with my sister and lola in front of UST Fountain of Wisdom

I believe that Excellence is nothing without values. And I am happy to share some of the values I learned in my college years. Here are the 5 Values I Learned in College.

1. Discipline

I only learned this when I’m already in 4th year. I think that it is the ability to delay pleasure and to say no to peer pressures. I know, this is hard.

But the good thing is that you have time for what is more important. I have time for my family, time for my friends, and time for myself. As you can see the benefits outweigh the costs.

2. Balance

As a future accountant, you should not only balance t- accounts, but also your life. I don’t know why I chose this course, but I’m glad I did because I learned many things other than books that I can use in my life which will I elaborate on next time. 

But I want you to know that in spite of my limited time, I still have time to exercise, to read, to socialize, and to meditate. I tell you that this is easier said than it is done. But with proper time management, believe me, this is achievable.

3. Quality and Quantity

In my first year, I join lots of organizations, paying one hundred each. I had lots of friends. I had this point to please everyone. And this only makes me exhausted. I thought having lots of friends will make me cool. 

Technically, we only know our names but that’s all we know. Now, if I will need to choose, I prefer having fewer but long term friends. But it will be nice if you have both – quality and quantity friends.

4. Integrity

I like the quote “Be honest, even if others are not, will not, and cannot.” I saw this on the last page of one of our test papers this summer. 

Whenever I’m tempted, I just remember that my reason for why I study is to be educated and to learn my principles. In my early years, I failed many crucial tests but still, I’m proud of my decision.

5. Love Yourself 

If you don’t love yourself, then who would? Just be aware that there is a thin line between self – interest, and selfishness. I understand my needs. 

And I help myself in getting that needs. Some will say that it is egoism. But I still believe that you can’t love others if you can’t love yourself.


I would like to thank my parents, especially my mother, Melanie for her continuing love and support for me. 

Without them, I would not be here studying in one of the finest universities here in the Philippines, University of Santo Tomas. Also, without them, I will not be the person I wanted to be today.

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What is your unforgettable experience or learning in your college?