Sunday, November 24, 2019

6 Lessons I Learned in My Early 20s (4 of 6)

Protect Your Time

When we are still in high school or college, most of us have lots of time and energy, but little money.

Now, as part of the workforce, most of us will have money and energy, but little time.

My College Life

When I’m still in college, I realized that I have lots of time because:

1. I joined at least 10 organizations in our school and I played almost all the sports you can think of.

2. I have time to sell books, Flash Drives, and 2nd Hand Clothing.

3. I still have time to help a friend in La Salle and my uncle in Tarlac in their Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Preparation of their Financial Statements.

4. I have time to study in our library. And I have time to socialize and drink with my friends in the evening.

5. I have time to Play Online Games. And I have time to watch my Movies and TV Series.

My Work-Life

When I started working, all my free time for the things and activities I like doing were gone. I can’t even go to the gym regularly. I’m always tired and hungry.

My free time is mostly spending on what makes me happy for a short time. These are playing Online Games, Watching TV Series and Sleeping.

I thought time management is already hard when I’m studying. But it’s harder when you are already working.

And I’m anticipating that it will be harder when you are married and have kids already.

How to Experience the Best Things in Life?

As someone who wants to experience the best things the life can offer, I practice using Delayed Gratification in my life.

This is what I called Hirap Muna, Bago Sarap. I don’t want to enjoy just for today and suffer for the rest of my life.

I still watch movies and play online games. But I make them a reward for my hard work.

What are the Benefits of Protecting Your Time?

If you know how to prioritize, you can do more and you can have more. You will have more time to do things that you love like:

1. You will have time to earn more.

2. You will have time to stay healthy and fit.

3. You will have more time for yourself.

4. You will have more time with your family and friends.

5. You will have more time to attend special events like reunions.

6. You will have more time to learn new things that excites you.

What To Do Next?

1. Share this if you know someone who will benefit from this blog.

2. Comment your answer:

Think if you're spending time with the right things or right people. What are you doing or what will you do to protect your time?

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